Happy 100th Birthday: John Stermer painting en plein aire.

Celebrating John Stermer’s 100th Birthday!

Happy 100!

John Stermer and Dog Frej, Photo by Victoria York

Today is the one hundredth birthday of the artist John Stermer; our Dad.  It is hard to imagine what it might have been like 100 years ago on August 19th, 1920.  But, I can imagine him sitting in front of his easel, with dog Frej in his studio.

I would like to celebrate his birthday by sharing one of his last paintings.  It is my opinion that Dad kept experimenting and growing as an artist right up until the time that he could not paint anymore.  Furthermore, Dad told me once that he had at least 20 or 30 more years of paintings in him.  He was happy that way.

John Stermer 100th Birthday Gila Ponderosa

While this website is devoted to his artwork, I think it’s appropriate to acknowledge that Dad loved his family, friends, community, and life in general.  

Years ago, when I was a biology student in college, my father and I had a discussion about genetics.  Silly me, I thought I was telling him something new.  I soon realized that Dad’s curiosity extended out to include many different disciplines.  Need I say that he held is own when it came to genetics and biology?   How about existential philosophy?

Mostly, I love to remember Dad enjoying talking about painting, jazz music, good food and just about anything else.

Happy 100th Birthday.

100th Birthday: John Stermer Kneeling Nun

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