Detail, Miner's Motel, Madrid NM

Miner’s Hotel, Madrid NM And A Bit About Artist’s Inventories

Introducing the Painting.

I’d like to share with you a John Stermer painting from the late 1970s or early 1980s.  The painting’s title is “Miner’s Hotel, Madrid NM” and it’s done in oil.

Oddly enough, this painting is in my personal collection.  And, over the years, I had come to believe that this was a painting of some of the buildings in the ghost town of Hanover, NM.  

Miner's Hotel, Madrid NM

Madrid or Hanover NM?

You see, I have never been to the New Mexico town of Madrid.  However, I have been to the town of Hanover which is a ghost town in the southwest part of the state.  This is the area where I grew up.  

Old Memories.

And, this particular painting sparked a memory of me going on a drawing trip with my Dad, the artist John Stermer.  In my mind, this particular trip was in the Hanover area.  I recall my Dad drawing some of the buildings and one was greenish.

It is funny how the mind seems to blend and change memories.  So, I had come to believe this painting was of some buildings in Hanover NM.  Indeed, so much so that I posted it on the John Stermer Fine Art Facebook page with a “working” title of “Old Hanover NM”.

Easy Solution:  The Inventory.

Well, silly me. I ought to have consulted the official John Stermer inventory.  And, that inventory is managed by my Mom and sister.  So obvious, don’t you think?  And, the inventory has a photo of my painting, along with the official inventory number and title!

Miner's Motel, Madrid NM: Inventory Page

Now, I could say “But, it looks like Hanover!”  However, that would also be silly because the inventory is the official listing of titles.  And, when it comes to organization and keeping records, Mom is always correct.  To explain, this is her area of expertise.

Correction In Order.

So, I would like to set the record straight.  This painting is “Miner’s Hotel, Madrid NM”.  

Why The Mixup?

That it might remind someone, like me, of another town in New Mexico might not be so surprising.  In my case, I’ve never been to Madrid. But I have been to Hanover.  And, the buildings remind me of Hanover and a particular trip I took.  Alas, though, my memories of expeditions with my Dad are at least 40 years old.  

Still, the painting will still remind me of New Mexico, and Hanover in particular.  Maybe one day I’ll get to Madrid NM!

Sidebar: Note To Artists.

One final note, if there is a lesson to be learned is that artist’s inventories are a good thing.  It helps in recording a bit about the story of the painting.  Note to artists, do you have an inventory?



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